Ever wish you could trash just some trash items and not others? Maybe you'd like to just delete those items which you tossed from the floppy. Now this is possible.
Trash Selector is a small utility which adds the ability to trash only those items in the trash can which you really wish to trash. It's easy to use and unobtrusive.
Trash Selector began life as an entry in the Best Hack contest at MacHack '92. I wrote the original extension in my hotel room the night before the contest. The original extension and its source code is included on the MacHack '92 CD-ROM. This version is a complete rewrite and fixes the bugs that were present in that version.
Version 1.0 (5/92)
INIT portion written and presented at MacHack '92. code is available on MacHack CD-ROM
Vesion 1.1 (6/92)
Rewrote INIT, added cdev and beefed up the LDEF, first release suitable for public consumption.
Version 1.2 (7/92)
Fixed bug in LDEF causing bus error crashes. Changed "hot key" from option to control.
Trash Selector is a control panel (cdev) which works only with system 7. To install Trash Selector simply drop it on the system folder and it will be auto-magically placed in the control panels folder. If you like to do things the hard way, you can open up the system folder and place it in the control panels folder yourself. The next time you start up your Mac, Trash Selector will be active.
Using Trash Selector couldn't be easier, when Trash Selector is active the words "Trash Selector™" will replace "Empty Trash" as the second item in the Special Menu. This will tell you whether you will get the Trash Selector dialog or if you will empty the trash the old fashion boring way. Using the control panel, you can decide if you want to activate trash selector when holding down the CONTROL key or if you want Trash Selector to appear if you do not hold down the CONTROL key (making it the default second item in the special menu).
When you selec t Trash Selector, you will be presented with a dialog listing all the items in the trash. If there are lots of items in the trash it may take a little while to get the dialog, you will see the watch cursor in the mean time. Once you get the dialog you may select the items you wish to delete. Only those items which you select will be deleted. If you select a folder or disk, everything in that folder or disk will be selected. You can interrupt the deleting of files by typing command-period.
Once you have selected everything you wish to delete, click on the "Trash 'em" button and watch the files disappear.
Trash Selector can handle up to approximately 1,500 files in the trash can. After that you begin testing the limits of both Trash Selector and the List Manager and unpredictable results may occur. It is recommended that you not use Trash Selector when more than 1,500 items are in the trash can.
You are given two options in the cdev, the first is whether you want the CONTROL key to enable or disable Trash Selector when you choose the appropriate menu item. The default is for the CONTROL key to disable Trash Selector.
The other option is to not display the icon at start up. This is usually a personal choice. The default is to show it.
Trash Selector is free, you owe me nothing for the use of this program. However, I reserve all rights to it and its source code. You are welcome to use and distribute it as you like, but you must distribute all the documentation as well. If you include this on a CD-ROM or other large media collection, I would appreciate being notified (A free copy of the CD-ROM would be nice also). I have made every attempt to bring this up to commercial quality and plan to continue to improve and support this product. I am releasing this for free as an advertisement for Haynes Consulting Services, if you are in the need for contract programming services or Macintosh consulting please contact me at the address below.
If you would like to receive notices of upgrades, please register your copy with me by sending your name, and street or e-mail address to me at any of the addresses below. Please indicate where you picked up your copy (I like to see how far and wide my programs get sent).
I would also appreciate any bug reports and comments, either positive or negative about Trash Selector. Please also send these to any of the addresses below.
Please feel free to contact me if you need support in using this program. In order of preference, you may contact me at the addresses and numbers below:
1) CWH3@aol.com
2) haynes@mace.cc.purdue.edu
3) HCS@applelink.apple.com
4) HCS Software
PO Box 2715
W. Lafayette, IN 47906
5) (317) 463-6383 (Home phone, please be kind)
HCS Software is me, Carl W. Haynes III. The HCS stands for Haynes Consulting Services, a business I have recently started to do contract Mac programming and consulting. I am currently looking for new projects, both short and long term.
My Skills include in-depth knowledge of Pascal and C, working knowledge of M68000 assembly and very strong knowledge of Macintosh internals. I started programming on Macs and Macs are all I wish to program. I have written large applications as well as extensions, control panels, and just about every type of xDEF there is. I am particularly interested in exploiting all the power in System 7 and enjoy exploring its features.
I have previously worked on several contracts as well as releasing many free programs including "Mark Off" which was included on the MacWarehouse PowerUsers disk #6. Other popular software which I have released include "Processorize" an application which gives the user all the power of the Process Manager, "SimAnt Cheater", an extension giving access to all the hidden treats in the game "SimAnt", and "Any Calls", an early application which tells you the time and date phone calls come into your house. These and all other free programs which I have released to the public may be found on America Online.
I have a rather unique background for a someone who spends all his time programming. I started out as a preschool teacher, working with severely disabled infants. I started programming Macs to build interactive systems to develop communication skills with toddlers who had severe communication disabilities. Halfway through earning my Ph.D. in education at Purdue University, I decided that I wanted to spend all my time programming Macs. With a background like this it can be difficult to get your foot in the door in securing projects. This is one reason I am releasing this as "AdvertiseWare".
I believe that I can be a valuable asset to any company which needs contract Mac programming services. If you like what you see here and would like any further information about Haynes Consulting Services or would like to discuss how I can help you in a current project, please contact me at: